Casa Zuelli is situated in Edolo, via Cesare Battisti, and is one of the most interesting stately homes in Northern Valle Camonica. The building has gothic architectural elements; on the facade, there is an inscription, 1350. The coat of arms above the entrance portal belongs to the Federici, a local powerful ghibelline noble family. It misses the half eagle, added after 1411, when Giovanni Federici achieved the title of Knight of Edolo and Dalegno.
The weird four-eyded face, carved on the capital of a three-mullioned window, is a depiction of the christian DivineTrinity, called in latin "vultus trifrons": Father, Son and Holy Spirit are joined in a single person, according to the common medieval iconography. In the ancient times, even Cerberus, Serapis and Hecate were represented that way. Then, the Counter-reformation opposed all the connection with pagan rites: in 1628 Pope Urbanus VII declared this depiction an heretical symbol and ordered the distruction of sculptures and paintings. The face in Edolo is one of the rarest one survived in the centuries.